Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mail Call Magic

There are few things I love more than the arrival of some good old fashioned snail mail.  I came home from work to discover a sweet, handwritten note from my friend JohnBen who I haven't seen in ages.  Receiving letters means the world to me, so of course writing them is something I try to do frequently.

Etsy is a treasure trove for letter-lovers these days. I've collaged a few of my favorite finds below, for easy access.  I think pen-pals might be the only thing missing...

1) Crocheted Mailbox and Letters by Crafty Anna.  2) Vintage Stationery via AllThisIsMine.  3) Laurel Leaf Wax Seal Pendant by Erla Designs Jewelry.  4) Crocheted Airmail by Eternal Sunshine. 5) Natural Sealing Wax from Green Craft Store.  6) Blythe Cards by Emma Mount.  7) Self-Mailing Invitations by Papier Lapin. 8) Envelope Locket Ring by The River Is Everywhere.

With that, I'm off to do some writing of my own.


Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

Love all these items :) Who doesn't love mail? I certainly do!

Danielle said...

i love 3 and 8, and 4 is so darn cute! getting!mail is one of the best things - certainly brightens up my day!